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Showing posts from February, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have 100+ pics on my camera to show you our fun in January & February. I also have special printed Valentine's to mail to you by a wonderful artist - my firstborn son. However, everything is on the kitchen counter.  I do not have much kitchen counter, but what I do have I use for all my beautiful "organizing." (Everything makes sense in my head) I am not sure what is happening to me in these last few weeks, but I have started to cleaning out closets & stuff.  However, since I need to clean out the basement (more than anything) I cannot store all my purging in the basement so it is slowly going in my kitchen & dining room, because that is where everyone keeps piles. I have 2 more closets to tackle this weekend & then I start the basement. Soooo . . . all that too say that I may save these Valentine's for next year & ask SuperHubby if he can download pics from my camera as a gift to me.  Actually, I may ask him this tonight before he realizes