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Showing posts from February, 2011

Coming Soon!

SOCCER SEASON! Yes Bay starts next week & WFM5 starts the week after (I think). I know y'all are too excited! Bay will play games on Friday nights at 530 or 6 & WFM5 plays on Tuesday nights @ 6. Whitty & I will have our blankets & snacks ready to go soon. ~Jocelyn

New Look

Okay so the new background is called "Southern Girl." I think it is a perfect one for me. We are enjoying this beautiful weather. We are outside ALL the time & LOVIN it! So I understand that the trees in downtown Auburn are going to "get a new look." Most of you have heard that AU's favorite Toomer's Corner had the famous trees poisoned. I actually feel sorry for this man b/c he has nothing better to do than to try to be mean to a fellow SEC family. I am glad they caught the guy so that we can show how we are not retaliating - we are handling the incident in the correct manner. SuperDaddy & I spent the big 2K New year's Eve kissin' by those trees in downtown AU with 10,000 of our closest friends - that was a FUN night. It will always be one of those AU memories that stays with me. Everyone in the AU family loves us some Toomer's! War Eagle! ~Jocelyn

What I LOVE . . .

. . .about my kiddos. 1. they are FUNNY! 2. they LOVE SuperDaddy 3. they LOVE God in their own special ways 4. they LOVE their big family 5. they love to play with each other 6. they remember to pray for others 7. they fight over who prays for the person in the passing ambulance 8. they LOVE me even when I mess up 9. they talk about the people we haven't seen in a while - this includdes great-grandparents, cousins & football players I love you guys & your funny sayings & your funny doings & your funny smiles. Love, Mommy

What I LOVE . . .

. . . about my hubby: 1. He LOVES God in a real way. 2. He LOVES me & the kiddos unconditionally. 3. He is always willing to lend a helping hand - around the house, or car, or church 4. He does not complain about my blonde moments - in fact I think he loves them 5. He is real - he does not pretend to be something he is not 6. he loves my very large family 7. His work ethic is out of this world, crazy good 8. I think truly deep down he loves my station wagon almost as much as I do I could go on all day with 148+ things to say, but 1. it would get too mushy & 2. I want to smell better when you get home. I love you SuperDaddy! Love, Me

I am going .. .

In the middle of a boring Super Bowl we put the kiddos in some pjs. So as I was getting the Baby a fresh diaper I told WFM5 to get his clothes off so we could put pjs on him. Now something you may not know about WFM5 is that some nights he sleeps with JUST pjs on. Who knows?? So anyway he took off his underwear & Marty said "Wait buddy leave on your underwear." What is a boy to say to that? "No daddy - I am going blonde tonight." WHAT? He meant "commando" TOO CUTE! ~jocelyn

Do You Bow Your Head When You Are Listening To A Prayer on a Podcast?

Go to Then go to View Archives Then go to Most Popular Then go to "Heaven is for Real Part 2" You HAVE to listen to this story as a Christian - it inspires & make you think. Now, I know what you are thinking - "Jocelyn, you are always making us think." HA!HA! My mom kept asking me if I had listened to the podcast she suggested, well, mom, I kept forgetting about it amidst my MESSY house. So when she mentioned it tonight I thought I would give a few minutes & listen to parts. Well, I listened to the whole story I could not believe the beauty of the story. LISTEN - do as my Mommy says. Thanks Mom! I owe you one =) ~Jocelyn P.S. there is a story behind the MESSY house, but that is for another day.