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Showing posts from August, 2010

Hubby BDay!

I Love My Hubby! He is the best dad, hubby & friend a gal could ask for. He works tirelessly to provide for our little family & never complains. He gives time each week to our church, our house, & our family (& that's a lot of people when you count my family). He is always patient with me & my blonde moments & y'all know there are a lot of those. (Daddy you are not allowed to comment on this post.) So say a sweet prayer for my hubby that he may be given rest, shown love, and feel how special he is to us. Thank you SuperDaddy! I love you!


AU Fan Day 2010 - whoever organized this event should NEVER do it again. It was so disorganized, but we got to see cheerleaders & "dancin' girls." Football season starts in 8 days! Everyone helps Sissy sell gift wrap for the school fundraiser - we all love to help, expedially when it means we get to walk to the neighbors "all by ourselves." (i.e. Mommy stands & watches in the driveway =))

Just Like Poppy!

Here are the boys campin' just like Poppy! Personally I think they are ready for an overnight Dad =)


"I pray for these you have given me . . ." This verse, given to me at a Bible study about "Praying for Your Children," is in my head many times as I watch my kiddos go about daily life. What great seats SuperDaddy & I have watching them on their journeys. This morning as I got my CD player in the ktichen to work again (Thank you God) I got out a beautiful praise & worship CD by Travis Cottrell & started praising. Whitty LOVES this - he loves to dance, loves to praise, l;oves to listen to music - he started his dance, his version of praise. If you were privileged to watch him at my sisters wedding then you know what a joy this is. What a beautiful gift to a mommy on an early Thursday morning. I pray they love to praise. I pray they love God & are not afraid to show it. I pray they have a DESIRE to know & love Him more everyday. From one prayin' mommy to another - have a great day! Jocelyn

Carpool Saga

OK, so carpool stories are some of my better stories - sad or funny? We are getting back in the groove of picking sissy up from school in carpool, however today I forgot to send William to the bathroom before we got in the line. (Backup: for the full effect of this story you have to know that he wore boxers for the first time today.) He of course had to go tee-tee & of course we were in line parked in front of someone's beautiful house. So I pored old lemonade out of the sippy cup in the front seat & with our big boy boxers on we tee-teed in a cup & then pored that out. I guess this is a perk of being a boy. Bay asked what we would have done if he had to go #2?? I told her he would have to hold it. I haven't figured that one out yet. Maybe I won't ever have to. One can hope =) More later, Jocelyn

She Is Growing Up

Well, we did it with as little tears as possible. Look - we miss her when she is at school of course I am going to cry. She is in the sweetest class with a great teacher. she is around the corner from her Aunt B & we know she is in a great school. First grade is going to be awesome! She was so brave & did not even worry, I just cried because I would miss her. When the boys & I got back in the car WFM5 asked me why I was crying & I said I would miss her. He said, "Mommy, we will be back in a little bit to pick her up." Of course, the boys asked about every hour if it was time to pick her up. On the second day her teacher said whe was a sweet friend to everyone. What am I going to do when Whitty starts first grade?? ~Jocelyn