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Showing posts from March, 2011

The Dress

Did your mom ever get you the dress of your dreams? In fact you loved it so much that you kept it. Although now it is slightly out of style. BUT in 8th grade this ivory Jessica McClintock dress was PERFECT! I was planning on being buried in this dress - okay at the time I really loved it! Well, today it is a "dress-up outfit." Baby was pretending to be a "baby bear princess." So we climbed in the cave (i.e. the top of the bunk beds) & read books & avoided the fire in the living room. (it was not really on fire, but that is what he told me when I said I needed to clean the living room, so we read more books) Thanks Mom for the dress of my dreams ~ Jocelyn

Boys & their parts EVERYWHERE!

Okay so I have 2 boys. . . so there are times when we have to talk about "tooters." (that's what we call it) AND Baby has started going potty all the time & wearing BOXERS or going commando - he is his own person. ALSO my nephew is starting to wear big boy underwear & staying with us more SO . . . I have spent A LOT of time in the bathroom. So I say all this to say we have had more talk lately about our "tooters." Well, tonight's conversation took the cake . . . WFM5: Mommy my tooter is hurting. ME: Does it hurt when you tee-tee? WFM5: No, it just hurts a little. ME: Buddy maybe you should talk to Daddy about it because I do no have a tooter so I have a hard time understanding - I don't know what it feels like. WFM5: Mom, I love having a tooter. & then he turns over to go to sleep. Well, I may as well get use to this. & don't y'all love my honesty? More later, Jocelyn

What a day

We have been busy little bees. Baby had a school program this morning - in which he did NOT sing or move a muscle. In fact he looked terrified. This mommy wanted to go rescue her baby, but I know this is a growing experience. He said it was not fun - definetely no Oscar in his future. Thank you to those of you who came to see the Baby & to those who could not make it - no worries you missed absolutely NOTHIN' We had 2 friends over this afternoon & then rushed to a soccer game. Bay had a great goal & an assist & her team won! So it is 830 & I am eating a sandwich & veggin' to get ready for tomorrow. Pics from today coming soon ~ Jocelyn

Last Week

Well, I survived Camp Mimi - I think. My mother-in-law was great & had fun activities planned with our cousins everyday of Spring Break. I do not think we took a single picture. Our sweet JoJo came & played 1 day & 1 day while little Whitty was sick - SuperDaddy went to the McWane Center. We had a great time! We are trying to start back to our normal crazy routine, but I was sick yesterday (seriously . . .again??) So maybe tomorrow I will really return to normal. More later, this recoverin' mommy

Spring Break!

Wow! We are ready to have a blast! Spring break in our house is tame, but FUN! Our cousins are in town & Mimi is keeping everyone busy. I will post more after the week of fun! ~Jocelyn

Lookie, Lookie

Here are 2 websites you have to check out: = this is a family that is about to adopt their 2nd daughter from China & they are having the cutest fundraiser - you will have to order one (or more) = this is one of my favorite things! my sweet friend makes these to-die-for pillows Thank you for supporting these precious people, Jocelyn

Prayers & Petitions The above address is a family that I do not personally know, but know of. I have been following their blog about their adoption for a few months & many adopting families have received some heartbreaking news in the last few days. Families adopting from Ethiopia have learned that the country is trying to decrease the number of children adopted each year from 4000 to only 500. Think how many babies/children will be forever in orphanages. Please pray for these children & the heart of the country's leaders. Also by going to this family's blog you may sign a petition. I signed the other day & it took MAYBE 2 minutes. Thank you for your prayers & signature. ~Jocelyn


Bay took the ball last night & took it down the field for a GOAL in the first play! Then of course she had to do it again! Then . . . of course she had an assist! Baylor = soccer superstar! . . .AND of course . . . she had great sportsmanship! Too many exclamation points I know, but she was awesome! Just a braggin' momma. Thanks for listenin' ~ Jocelyn