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Showing posts from 2012

New Year's Eve 2012

Well, Christmas has come & gone.  We have enjoyed many times of opening gifts & worn out our welcome at both sets of grandparents - not really possible =) I have taken it easy this year, but promise to make up for it in years to come.  I knew if I was going to survive I would have to just let others do some things for me so I could avoid a breakdown.  The post-partum "blah" has been a little easier to curb this time around - a true answer to prayer.  God has truly shown me HIS love for me in this.  Thankfully my mom & mom-in-law understood I needed to lay low & they were huge helpers. Once again Cousin Lisa found the gifts with the most pieces - Congratulations! We were completely spoiled! The kids think they can stay up to midnight tonight, but we shall see.  I told them if they were not watching football with Daddy then they could play quietly upstairs.  They will have to lay down & read in a little bit - we will see if t...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! from our family to yours Love, the Martins "May the God of hope fill you with all joy & peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit Romans 15:13

My Christmas Letter

Dear Family & Friends, We have had quite the eventful year.  We have had our times of triumphs & times of sorrow.  We have won some games & lost some.  BUT, we have done it as a family. This year has marked me & has shown God's power in working on our hearts & family. Our family has "grown by 2 feet."  Baby Lee is a blessing!  He is eating & sleeping like a pro & Whitty is still wondering why he doesn't have teeth.  We will have a 2 1/2 week old on Christmas day so things will be a little more simple this year, but I think that can only be a good thing.  He is a precious reason to slow down & just be together as a family. Our princess has tried gymnastics & was learning quickly.  She is super smart in 3rd grade & has made some fun new friends.  We have had spend the night parties to go to & mani/pedi days.  What fun to have a girl!  We love art & dolls & all things pink. WFM...

Tonight . . .

I had a little time tonight to just sit & hold my littlest baby.  He was a little "gassy" & fussy for a little bit so as I sat & rocked him & snuggled I watched some news unfold in CT.  I realized that I was holding my babies when other mommies never would again.  All of a sudden the fussiness was not a problem.  The mess in the house was not an issue & the child climbing the walls (literally) was an extra blessing.  May I never take these moments for granted. Our prayers are with the families of Newtown.

Baby pic!

He was 1 week on Thursday! He is the best baby! I am having to check & make sure he is breathing he is so quiet - never happened here before. The others have been sick, including Daddy, so we have had 100% Mommy & Lee time. Now all I need to do is get Christmas cards in the mail & start thank you notes & I will be good to go.   

Newest Gift

Wallace "Lee" Martin made his arrival Thursday at 2:30 in the afternoon! He weighs 8 pounds & 4 ounces & is 21 inches long. He is quiet & has darker hair than the other 3. He is a perfect blessing for our family & we are forever grateful to God for giving us our newest gift. We covet your prayers as God has given SuperDaddy & 4 blessings to bring up "in the nurture & admonition of the Lord."

Extra Post to Remember

I know I said no more post until the baby & he is nice & cozy in my VERY LARGE belly. BUT . . . I did not want to forget something that was said this evening in this house. The Princess called downstais to send WFM5 upstairs in order to kill a roach. When WFM5 was finished in the bathroom he went upstairs with a tennis shoe to protect his sister from the fierce bug. I stayed downstairs & over heard . . . "Bay, your tennis shoe did not work & he got away & I named him Joey."     So, I guess we now have a pet roach loose in the house & his name is Joey. Welcome Joey, but watch out for this hormonal mommy =)  

Next Week ~

This sweet baby boy will arrive next week, Thursday, December 6th, if he does not choose to come before. There is an end in sight!  Obviously I looked pretty pathetic at the dr today & seeing I am growing out of maternity clothes & SuperHubby's clothes the timing could not be better. Next post will be BABY POST!

So Thankful . . .

I am thankful for these people. I am thankful for the times we are together & the times we are on the side watching them grow. I am thankful to do life with SuperHubby. I am thankful that there will be more people in this picture next year. I am thankful for the good, bad, ugly & practically perfect moments.  "Praise God from who all blessings flow . . ." HAPPY THANKSGIVING! ~this WAY TOO pregnant mommy

Pictures Promised - FINALLY!

We have first day of school & some football I cannot believe we are 3rd, 1st & 4 Yr Pre-School. Crazy late - I cannot believe the technology problems I can have at one time. I need to find golf pics & I cannot take gymnastic pictures through the glass.  More to come - this week even

Thoughts . . .

I have had a rough (to say the least) few weeks.  I have lost a grandmother & have been told will lose another one too soon.  3 weeks ago these 2 women had a stomach ache & a cold.  Everything is happening too fast.  Grandmothers are those people that are always there.  You check in with each other & visit & send goodies & they tell you what beautiful kiddos you have & now I am about to lose my last grandmother. I am 35 weeks pregnant now & he is getting bigger.  (I will probably weigh as much as Marty any day now)  He seems to be on route to being my biggest baby.  I am not sure what I think about that.  I cannot breathe very well & I hurt from my shoulders to my knees.  Add to that 3 kids, a decent size house & too many toys - I am OVERWHELMED.  I am not travelling at this point, but have spent the last few weeks going back & forth to TN.  I need to be going back to TN but physically ...


WHITTY is 5!! That is right - my sweetie has turned 5 & I am going to take my time getting used to the idea. He is so precious.  The other night we were praying & he said that he loved this baby so much he could eat him up =)  Obviously a little Southern metaphor thrown in. He is my shy one. He has the most Southern accent of the oldest 3. He is truly in love with his momma & may live at home forever, but I will take that anyday. They grow up so fast that i have to remind myself to cherish even the smallest of moments. Bay & WFM5 are gaining a lot of independence so I am not pushing anyone else out of the nest at any fast speed.  People told me that with the third I would start to move him along a little faster, but I find the opposite to be true. Whitty, Daddy & I treasure your sweet spirit & imagination.  We love that you love being close by & pray that God shows us in HIS timing when to move on with more independence....

A few thoughts . . .

Marty has the camera & I desperately need to download some pics from first day of school.  BUT, he has the kids & the camera in AU & I am at home in a way too quiet house. My sweet Mommy took me to dinner tonight & as my sis & I told stoies about our cute kiddos we laughed & laughed, but it made me think about the differences in each of my kids & how I needed to appreciate those better. I am not a scrapbooker, or baby booker, so this little blog serves as that for my little ones.  So in lieu of keeping everything for my kids - here are a few thoughts . . . My sweet girl, you are growing & growing pains hurt in & out.  You want to grow up & be independent AND you want to play dolls & be a little girl.  Stay young as long as you can & enjoy your childhood.  Do not wory about what others think, but you are a girl so I know you will.  God knows your sweet heart & that is what counts.  I know it is...

More CO Pics

Pictures from CO - FINALLY!

We had a BEAUTIFUL trip to just sit & take in all God has created.  I will admit I was not the fastest hiker, but I was pretty impressed of me & my growing belly.  The kids loved it & we all want to keep exploring our beautiful country.  Thanks to Mimi & Poppa for a fun trip.

Birthday Girlie

In a few days our one & ONLY princesss turns 9! Well, we are buying her some technology & of course something pink.  We have learned about Taylor Swift & PG movies.  She is growing up SOOO fast!  We are excited she is going to be a big sister again this year.  She is up for the challenge - she is going to be great! We are working on being the best friend we can be & what it means to be a role model.  We are super sweet & love our cousins & brothers more than anything. Sweetie, I am so proud to be your Mommy.  It is an honor & I pray I do well by you & am always there for the best & worst days of your life - Mommy

It's a . . .

BOY! Just what the world needs - another Martin boy running wild! Bay will be over the shock in a few days & the boys are thrilled that they can embarass him already because they found a picture of his "tooter."  Poor thing - he has no idea what he is about to get into. When I figure out how to upload the sonogram pics I will & we can see he looks like the other 3. He is healthy & big & fast! God has a beautiful plan for this family & I think it includes a lot more DIRT ! More when I figure out pictures ~ Jocelyn

Lately . . .

We are done with VBS . . . for a few months anyway.  I think we all survived & I did not get a single picture.  - Sorry I need to document this Summer a little better, but that would be easier if my camera worked more often than not. We are going to have visitor's this weekend & so maybe I can get some pics. On the baby front  .  . . we have a bump & we are sick less days each week.  If I get tired - then I get very tired & a few hormones have kicked in - totally fun.  We will find out July 11 if it is a boy or a girl!! Back to cleaning for COusin Lisa - our favorite houseguest!

Amazing is theword I choose for . . .

my hubby & kiddos.  All 5 of them  are amazing!  We have been working around the clock to get ready for VBS next week & everyone has been on board to help & be well-behaved. Princess Bay has been helping watch her brothers while Mommy has been helping at the church.  WFM5 has been playing LEGOS with Whitty so he can learn & Whitty is enjoying hanging out at the church with the big boys & "helping."  Baby #4 has kept Mommy sick, but not as sick as last week & with that strong heartbeat it makes everything worthwhile.  Pics later - tired Mommy


When I start out on a plan I feel I have a good plan AND THEN . . . Ta-Da!  God comes up with an even more amazing plan! AND THEN . . . your sisters & mom get giddy & your husband realizes he may not retire as early as he thought & your 3 kiddos (who are all completely potty-trained) start making bigger plans.  AND you realize this is the most beautiful curve ball of all - a NEW BABY! Yes, the Martins are embarking on a new journey with a new baby to come before Christmas.  We are excited for our new little blessing & the plans that God has for our family of 6!  We covet your prayers for this little one & for this mommy who has been SICK.  "I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalme 139:14

Happy Mommy Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mommies out there!  I am spending mine at home because we had a sick little one last night & I wanted to keep him at home today - but hey, I enjoyed my 1 year+ stint of not going to the ER.  Last night was just a 4 hour trip to the Children's Hospital for Whitty.  We are in the clear for anything bad - once again us Martins stumped the doctors.  Prayers is the only explanation - the ONLY one. The above picture is of my mommy, but I know most of you out there know she was supermom & still is.  I think she relishes her role as Moppy she always seems so excited to pick them up for a date & still excited when she drops them off.  SHe even shows up to help with sick babies & mommies with a smile on her face & a cup of StarBucks in her hand.  My mother-in-law planned the perfect mother's day & left town without any grandkids - smart woman.  Did I ever mention that my kids are stumped...

Finally . . . Easter pics

Well, I have had a fight with my camera & finally won for a moment this morning & it let me upload my Easter pics.  Can my kids get any cuter? The kids do not totally match - my preference, but we are getting a bit old for that.  How do you like WFM5's POLO sweater vest =) I am also posting the 2 kids tables from our Easter dinner at our house.  I did a girl table & boy table & then 2 adult tables - with my to die for china.  I had fun getting ready for all this & we made a ham. Okay actually I bought it & just sat while it was in the oven, but technically we cooked a ham.  I will take all the credit for the delicious ham.  SuperHubby's family came over & brought more for the delicious dinner & we enjoyed the lunch time meal with my family.  2 huge meals + 2 Easter eg hunts + church = tired parents.

Clarification . . .

I want to clarify what I wrote about in my earlier post. Obviously, I had a lot on my mind, most of which was not related to the post. I want to clarify that I am going to work with Baby on how he responds to people when he is with me in public. I want to help him to be more open to new friends & places. But, I had a lot of people comment on it in one week when I had a lot of other stuff on my heart. I know everyone means well & wants the best for my kiddos, but this Mommies brain had too much stuff in it in 1 week. Thank you for understanding - Joc

#3: Quietly on his way to the PGA

Here is my #3 baby. He has decided his new obsession is going to be golf. We are going with it. However, #3 was a hot topic of conversation today as he is SHY!!! & won't talk to anyone else if Mommy is around & someone was worried he would be that way when he is older. I know he is different than the #1 & #2, but I will appreciate & embrace the way God has made him. Does it bother me that sometimes he comes across as rude. Sure, but I know he is not. He really is just shy - not a big deal. I was worried about it & told someone that I am not used to this, but she said, "that is the way God made him." Exactly right, God does NOT make mistakes. Trust me he talks & is super smart, he just may not talk when you want him to. Do I "eat it up" how much he favors his Mommy? - Yes! Do I wish he talked more to others? - Sure. But is he a gift? - YES! YES! YES! My ovaries did not always work & ONE day they did & God made Whitty ...

So Proud & A Little Biased

So proud of the Princess as she praised God in church today. She really was perfect, Mommy's photography skills were the bad part. Our little slugger had a blast winning today! He said, "Mom, this feels AWESOME!" I am honest about how biased I am, but if these were your kiddos you would pretty much stay on cloud 9 too =)

Still Standing

The city of St. Louis survived our takeover for a few days. We did not knock down that ARCH or sink a riverboat. The animals at the Zoo did not escape, although my lil' animals tried. The bridge at the science museum is still stable. We did not break the other arm - false alarm. The house we stayed in is not in complete shambles, although we may need to clean their carpets. And the people we stayed with are still our friends, at least I think so because they are coming to visit us. Cousin time is always fun & Mimi & I are better people because of it. Oh, did I mention I had lost my camera prior to the trip. We have 2 baseball games this week & the Princess starts art lessons this afternoon. Go enjoy this fabulous weather - Jocelyn


Been sick around here & a lot going on all at the same time & now I cannot sleep. (But it was a good coke) Many random thoughts as I am awake this late. We have friends with a sick baby & friends traveling & tons going on & it all makes me think about what is important & what am I doing about it. I need to (want to) take a misson trip, but I hate leaving my kids - is God asking me to grow? Is my sweet suburbia my mission field? I may not be in the huts in African orphanages, so what does my ministry look like? Is it what God wants it to look like? I hope so . . . I pray that I am following Him & what He has in store for us. These 3 blessings are at beautiful points in their lives - they are my mission field. Them & their friends & the families that God puts in my path. I am not called to the pulpit (everyone can breathe a sigh of relief) but I am called to serve & at this stage in our lives serving looks like a meal & laundry & ...

Watch out . . .

he was awesome! (I am a little biased =)) WFM5 had his first baseball game yesterday & the little bit that Mommy got to see (b/c I am a sick Mommy this weekend) he got a great hit & an out. I could not stay the whole time, but I understand it was an exciting game. He was so CUTE! Lately, he has realized he is not the pro on this team, but he is now working at it harder to be the best. I am so proud of him. He had 14 people at the ballpark cheering for him - thank you to all those that came out. He had a blast & is making new friends. I think I might like baseball - this could be a fun season. - Sick Mommy

What to do?

What do you do when your little bro falls asleep in the living room chair? Well, of course, you try to sit on him & see if he stays asleep. And he does . . . totally cool.

What is the one thing?

Has there been something you said you would never do? Maybe" as a parent I will never . . ." See where this is going . . . I did one of those things last night & I am sure I made the right decision. Crazy feeling . . . Well I loved my wagon, but my station wagon was not as fabulous as one might think - I had a lemon & it was costing me more money than it was worth. Soooo to keep from taking on a new car payment at the moment, because we are cool like that =) An IDEAL situation arose & this momma who said "I will never have a minivan." Well, she got herself a minivan. I actually cried (& my friend laughed) when they took the wagon away because I loved that car, just not the stress that it put on my bank account & my hubby. So I better figure out a really cool name for this black minivan. Baseball games start next weekend so here goes boring weekends =)

First time . . .

I left someone . . . was tonight. I thought Superdaddy had taken Baby home from church & so I loaded up the other 2 later when we were finished & then headed home. I got home & said "good, I am glad he went to bed." He said no he is still at church. I RAN out the door & he called a friend to turn around (they were closer). Baby does not reallize he was left. He said a few times that he was the last one. He realized I was crying in the car & said "Mommy I just bounced the ball, but you don't have to cry about it. Can I have a doughnut?" Of course he can. That kid could get anything from us right now. I feel AWFUL - no SuperMom cape tonight. We have ANOTHER famous American report this week - maybe I can find the camera. More later so I can feel like a horrible mother a little bit longer.

Right Now

My Baby is upstairs singing part of a song - probably the only part he remembers. "wherever God is faithful, wherever God is strong" This are some pretty important words to remember. I love hearing HIS name coming out of their little mouths =) This morning Bay was the BEST Sacagawea & I of course forgot the camera. She gave a perfect report! After we heard Bay's report & took big brother to school we went to the grocery store & then on the way home Baby explained to me about how Moppy explained to him in Sunday School that God even made the bones on the inside of our body. Hey, we may not know all our letters, but we have our anatomy down pat & understand a lot about God so I think we will worry about our letters another day Happy Tuesday - this mommy


I did not make cards with the kiddos to send to each & every one of you this year. Sorry =( I know that each of you will forgive me =) SuperDaddy took the kiddos & I to Ichiban a Japanese steakhouse - you know where they cook the food in front of you. It was a hit! It took Baby a few minutes to get use to it. If I had known that is where we were going I would have taken my camera. What a fun, creative Daddy! SuperHubby, I love you & what we have here in our blue house. I am going to love what we will have. Thank you for being my best friend & a fabulous husband. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. We send our love & prayers to each of you. Love, this Mommy P.S. I am having a new nephew this Summer - thanks Sarah

Pink is the color of the day

Well, we have a pink cast & pink medicine in our house now. How appropriate for tomorrow - Valentine's Day. Baylor fell last night and fractured her arm. She got a lovely pink cast this morning. Baby Whitty has strep throat - he was up last night with a horrible cough. So . . . 2 doctor appointments, 1 cast, 1 prescription & 1 child picked up early from school (b/c I needed to get home) I am officially tired & it is only 1 PM. We are going to watch movies today & I will get some laundry done. Happy Valentine's Day from the Martins!

Disney Pics

Outdoor Chip 'n Dale movie with smores =) Our princess with Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) she meet every princess except 1. WFM5 on the Prince Charming carousel. Every girl needs a Fairy Godmother This is the first day - Baby fell asleep in the stroller. We had way too much fun! We loved every minute of the trip! We took about 280 pictures so I had to pick a few & of course I have uploaded them backwards. We started out early & stayed up late pretty much every night. We met just about every character & got plenty of autographs. We ate well & slept well & played well. This was our first trip without family - just our 5 (a.k.a. Mommy & Daddy are tired.) Thank you SuperDaddy for planning the perfect trip!

Cute Girls

The top picture is at sweet, cute cousins dedication & the 2nd pic is of Bay & sweet, cute cousin in the cousins nativity as Mary & Baby Jesus. Had to share these sweeties =)

"If you build it they will come"

Well - we built it & they came - in jerseys & tennis shoes. SuperDaddy managed to put together the perfect boy birthday party & take our AU obsession to a whole new level. (Bet you didn't think that could happen) We now have a AU football field painted in the backyard. Personally, I think every boy needs one - you all have permission to send your boys (or girls) over any day to play. We even have goal post! What else do you need for a 6 year old boy party? An AU cake & gatorade & you are set.

Sunday Notes

Do you take notes during the Sunday sermon? I think it helps me to focus (& not use the quiet time to figure out the weeks menu, b/c I try not to waste quiet moments). I really love to write down points that jump out at me. I remember Rev. Hay saying that Daniel was "careful to be God's man in the place where God put him." Wow! what a great thing to hear before you leave for college. Today we had the honor of witnessing the dedication of my niece & nephew at my sister's church. I was purely in the congregation - I was not on staff with the Children's Ministry - so I could TOTALLY listen. Their pastor said that someone said of John Bunyan (author of "Pilgrim's Progress") that if you cut him he would bleed Scripture. Wow, what an honor if someone were to say that about me or one of my kiddos. I think I will put that on a plaque in the boys room or tape it to the all popular band-aid box. Am I saturated in Scripture? What would I bleed? I feel l...

Number 5 is turning 6!

That is right today WFM5 is turning the big 6! Yep, we are in kindergarten & learning to read. We are LOVIN' sports & about to start baseball. He has a sweet tooth like his Moppy & Mommy & loves to sneak his mommas coke. He is destined to be a class-clown & thankfully his kindergarten teacher said he would be a smart one. He is the fastest kid in 5K (according to muliple sources). He is realizing that next year he will go to school with big sister & is getting excited! He has a compassionate heart & sweet spirit. He loves his little baby cousin & it is good for this momma to see him helping & showing kindness. His favorite thing to do may be playing a joke on his momma - seriously, everyday! I taught him to play H-O-R-S-E & I am learning to keep up in LEGOS. I love you WFM5! Thank you for keeping me on my toes & laughing. Thank you for the way you love your family & friends. After God, I will always be your biggest fan! Go Cinco! Love...

They had . . .

. . . Margaritas AND Cape Cods! Yes once in a blue moon I have a "mommy drink." AND they had my 2 favorites (not that I know many) at the Chick-fil-A Bowl! My in-laws gave SuperHubby & I tickets to AU's bowl game for Christmas & we had fun! We rode in on the MARTA & went to Paechtree to have dinner & then rode to the GA Dome & found our great seats. We ran in to some friends & I started joking that I was on the lookout for the margarita bar. Well SuperHubby found our seats & said he had to go to the bathroom & came back a few minutes later with a VERY STRONG margarita. After I finished he went to get something else & came back with a Cape Cod. My AU boys played a great game! I was proud of how they pulled together despite some people not there & others leaving. It was teamwork! We had a fun date night! Thanx Mimi & Poppa! Happy New Year!