Baylor & Ella on the Hoppy frog ride - one of our favorites!
Brothers at the mining restaurant - our waitress paid them to eat their veggies - no lie=)
We took a GREAT vacation to Branson, MO! We had a blast with Mimi, Poppa & our St. Louis family. We went to amusement parks, water parks, shows & all sorts of fun things in a great town where it seems that everyone loves God. It is so cool that at every show I went to they spread the Gospel. I love it when people say "Have a blessed day" & mean it. I hear they still pray before football games in Branson. TOO COOL!
This kids loved it - thanks MiMi & Poppa for a fun trip!
My secret is: (cue drum roll) my brother John is engaged! In an earlier post I mentioned his sweet girlfriend Liz & how we were gettting our house ready for her to stay so we can impress her b/c we wanted to keep her around. Well, it looked like it worked (We are good!) b/c they are getting married after they graduate in May. Watch out Huntsville here come The Shults'! I am getting another sister - trust me I can always use another. We already love our Aunt Liz, in fact they wanted to call her that before they were engaged
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