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Showing posts from April, 2010

What I learned today . . .

As a mother I learn new things every day. Today I learned never to ask a 2 year old why his hand is stuck in his shoe. 1. It was never really stuck. 2. His answer will only be "just cuz." I hope you learned something a little more useful today. Jocelyn


About an hour ago we were at the beauty salon. We are growing up way to fast & have asked for our first "real" haircut. This was not just a little trim - this was the real deal. She decided all this on her own & I made her think about it for 2 weeks before I made the appointment. She LOVES it! (Why do kids do the goofiest smiles in pictures that I take?) Speaking of the hair salon, "Miss Silla" as the kids call her, always does a wonderful job! But the shampoo salesman was making a pitch while I was there with all 3 kids & he kept talking & doing his gig even when the toy cars ran in to his feet, even when we were moving all over the salon. He even kept talking as we were all saying good-bye & we could still hear him as we were getting in the car. He is determined. He does not shut up. I know that Miss Silla did not hear all he said, but he had a way of selling his products from all over the world. We definetely got a geography lesson....


Watch out world - I am 2 & a half ! I am showing you my muscles so you will know how cool I am! I told Mommy I would not put on my PJ shirt until later - she is unsure of when later is though. In the meantime I am certainly cute. Love, little Whitty

We are . . .

OUTSIDE! If we do not answer the phone, show up for school, or show up to eat - it is all because we are outside in our yard. We ride bikes, take walks, play on the swing set & use our imaginations. (They are big imaginations so they take all afternoon to play the games they come up with.) We love our yard! I will post AU pics as soon as I get them, I forgot my camera so Auntie Kim is sending pics. Although I will let you know the big news . . . the boys got to go out on the field & who got tackled first? Why Mimi of course =) HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our sweet Bonnie Kate! Have a great day! Jocelyn

Excitement of the Weekend!

Well, it is official - for the first time Bay has chosen to go to a party instead of going to AU with the family =( "Mom I can't miss Ella's party, everyone is going." So she decided she would stay with my parents & told me to call them & make sure they would be home & then since I was calling them to tell them she would spend the night & they could take her to church on Sunday. Thankfully, Moppy & Poppy were going to be in Bham & can take her to the party. So off we will go in the morning with Auntie Kim & the 2 boys to A-Day in Auburn. Watch out AU here comes the Martin brothers & more importantly - I owe you Mom & Dad. William did FABULOUS in his school program today!! He knew every word, hand motion & smiled at all the right times. On a sad note, please pray for WFM5 his best friend os moving in the morning & I am not quite sure he undertands how far away Virginia is. I think it will hit hard when he wants to play...

ER's are for cool people!

Well, only cool people hang out at the ER. That would be us - the Martins! Whitty was so excited on Monday to pick "Bubby" (WFM5) up from pre-school that he was running down the hall at the school. As I said, "Whitty, don't run in your bug shoes you will fall & bust your chin." BOOM - he fell & busted his chin. 6 stitches, 2 loose teeth & 1 bloody nose = the sweetest baby in the ER. He actually slept through the stitches, of course he screamed while they cleaned the wound (VERY DEEP wound) & SuperDaddy stayed with him while they actually sewed him up because Bubby was with us & I took him out of the room so he wouldn't have to watch. He was amazing! He is super cool & wonderful! I am sure we will be back again another day. Martin Kids Stitches Count: 12 TOTAL His Child, Jocelyn

Alabamians & Racing

I would venture to guess that at least 75% of Alabamians have been to see the races. No, I am not talking about a fancy, were a $500 hat type of horse race. I am talking about car racing where they go around the same few turns for about 1 1/2 hours. 90 times! (A little redundant if you ask me) Well, we tried it out. The INDY racing cars were in Bham & Marty got free tickets handed to him so he was going to take the boys & I said well if you take the boys then Bay will want to go & I might as well try it out. I went, I did & I will very rarely go back. Notice I did not say I will NOT go back, I am realistic, I have 2 boys & in the construction business sub-contractors are always giving us freebies (good ones I might add). It was fun - however we were not prepared. I did not have enough water, we should have picked a spot & stayed & not wandered around to "check it out." If you have a boy & chances are they LOVE cars you need to take them. Next t...

A Mother of Boys

I just had a magical moment with Baby Whitty & thought, "I have to write this down so I will remember it forever." AND THEN . . .he was a boy . . . Here is how the story goes: Every night I rock Whitty for a few minutes & sing him songs before bed. We sing "Amazing Grace" every night & usually throw in some Zaccheus & Twinkle Twinkle. Anyway tonight he started to sing "Amazing Grace" with me! I thought this is wonderful to hear him say "grace" & think this song will carry him through his toughest times & will minister to him his whole life . . . my child is on the way to be a great Dove Award winning Christian musician! AND THEN . . . "Poopy Mommy" followed by a 2 year old laugh, "Burpy Mommy," also followed by a two year old laugh. "Mommy you burp, OK." Why do little boys learn bathroom words before they learn at least 2 verses to "Amazing Grace?" Why do little boys even lik...

Easter Pics

Easter is a beautiful time of year with beautiful clothes and beautiful spiritual meanings. One thing I realized was when you are taking pics at an Easter Egg Hunt then most everyone is leaning over to pick up eggs (i.e. bottoms are sticking up in the air everywhere I looked). I hope you enjoy these beautiful pics of my beautiful kiddos. His Child, Jocelyn

Easter Weekend

First of all, I promise I will post pics as soon as my computer is fixed. SuperDaddy says I can only use it if absolutely necessary & I do not think he would count blog posting unde that category. We started out Easter weekend (Friday) with Baby Whitty getting a good goosegg & heading to the dr office to check it out. He was fine, but we kept a close watch on him. After all when you fall out of a car, scream for a few minutes & then try to go to sleep you scare this Mommy. (No the car was not moving - he wanted to crawl into it by himself b/c he is 2 & that is what they do & he slipped in the infamous bug shoes.) We called our favorite Aunt Beth (Aunt "Bef" as BAy used to say), & wished her a Happy 40th Bday. (Sorry the number had to be mentioned) We went to hear Uncle Marcus preach the Good Friday sermon, most people heard it except for those of us who were quiet enough to sit still - obviously not me, but I heard it was one of his best. Saturday ...