We spent some time in good ol' Tennessee with my sweet family.
My aunt, uncle & cousin had us up to their house to feed the ducks & paddle boat. My sweet grandparents put us up for a few nights & the kiddos cannot wait to go back.
We were glad that cousin T came along, b/c that makes running around the yard so much more fun for Whitty.
We were glad to see AL lose - I mean purely for their own good. This #1 business was causing their heads to get to big - it was not safe. We are proud of our boys for pulling out a win, although I must admit I did not watch uch of the game b/c of the great ladies I was visiting with.
Thanks AU boys - it makes the season more fun for my boys.
More later, Jocelyn
P.S. Doesn't my baby look just like Poppa in Poppa's hat???
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