Well, we had an interesting Spring Break in the Martin House. We took about 2 weeks off from "normal life." 2 weeks ago strep throat took out 2 of our best - Daddy & Bay, then as they started to come alive again - the stomach bug took Mommy back to the hospital (this time only a few hours for fluids & pain meds). So the next day as Mommy recovered Bay was sick again. Then when we were all better last Saturday we got to babysit my sweet nieces, Ruby & Baby Maggie. We fit in a quick trip with Poppy to a rabbit farm. (Those poor rabbits.)
Sunday AM as we were all well & about to go to church we got the sad news that my sweet Gram had passed away with heart problems. We were all sad & staerted to prep for a trip to TN. We always love staying at Mamaw & Papaw's house, however, we wish they were under better circumstances. I could not have made it through this sad time without my hubby & sweet Mamaw (Shults) - they were there to help in anyway that I needed, whether food or a shoulder to cry on. I loved my Gram & will miss her, but take peace in knowing she is spending her days praising God with her parents & best friend, Mrs. Rose. Her beautiful voice has probably never been more beautiful than it is now. Thank you to all those who kept our family in your prayers.
Friday on the way home from TN we took a quick trip to the Nashville Zoo & loved it. William says he cannot way to go back to the "National Zoo."
We are all better, at home & back to work or school. We are looking forward to a trip to Tallahassee this weekend to see Cousin Lisa.
I will post pictures tonight from the rabbit farm when I get them on the computer - they are too funny.
His Child, Jocelyn
Sunday AM as we were all well & about to go to church we got the sad news that my sweet Gram had passed away with heart problems. We were all sad & staerted to prep for a trip to TN. We always love staying at Mamaw & Papaw's house, however, we wish they were under better circumstances. I could not have made it through this sad time without my hubby & sweet Mamaw (Shults) - they were there to help in anyway that I needed, whether food or a shoulder to cry on. I loved my Gram & will miss her, but take peace in knowing she is spending her days praising God with her parents & best friend, Mrs. Rose. Her beautiful voice has probably never been more beautiful than it is now. Thank you to all those who kept our family in your prayers.
Friday on the way home from TN we took a quick trip to the Nashville Zoo & loved it. William says he cannot way to go back to the "National Zoo."
We are all better, at home & back to work or school. We are looking forward to a trip to Tallahassee this weekend to see Cousin Lisa.
I will post pictures tonight from the rabbit farm when I get them on the computer - they are too funny.
His Child, Jocelyn
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