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Showing posts from March, 2010

Carpool Documentation

We start with one sweet baby growing up too fast & then they go off to school . . . & then begins carpool! Every mother mentions this word with a sense of fear. It can be bad or not bad, but never good. **Sorry my pics are backwards** We started out on this dreary day in our pjs around the corner & down the street from the school - Whitt semi-fussy b/c he did not finish his nap & WFM5 wondering how he could have already eaten his snack. Then we see a pic of us around the corner from the school - boys still in same predicament. Next, we are on school grounds - the boys have started knock-knock jokes (which they really don't get) & I have finished the mail , the snacks & my Coke. Finally, we have a Sister in the car!! This took 22 minutes, 5 of the same knock-knock jokes told at least 20 times & a few minutes of tears. We are disappointed that we could not get a pic of our favorite sign - it says not to talk on your cell phone while in the carpool line...

Sweet Lisa

Our dear cousin Lisa had a beautiful baptism at her new church, First Baptist Church of "hassee" (per Whitty). We had a wonderful visit with Aunt Patsy, Uncle Buddy & Lisa in their beautiful city. (T'hassee is really a beautiful city - everyone really should go visit.) They are great people who love my babies almost as much as I do. They fixed FABULOUS food, loved on my babies & then loved on them some more. The kids traveled great & we cannot wait to go back again. Lisa, I am so glad you hurch have found a good church home to love on you & bless your journey. His Child, Jocelyn

Other Recent Pics - Don't you love when I go on a posting frenzy!

Cousin Nate came to visit! We love cousin Nate - thanks for the fun! The pics at the top of the of the post are the all too famous BUG SHOES! These are what Whitty likes to wear everyday - they make him happy & solve all life's issues big or small. (all for $2) Maybe we should buy bug shoes for everyone in DC then we may not be in the predicament we are stuck in now. Coming soon . . . a documentation of carpool - every little brothers worst nightmare. Jocelyn

"Babbit" Farm Pictures

We loved the "babbits" & we think they loved us - at least the first few minutes & then they realized that there were 5 kids under the age of 6 who wer!e dying to hold them. Then they spent the next 20 minutes trying to stay on the other side of the pin. Do not worry we are super fast =)

A Little Break

Well, we had an interesting Spring Break in the Martin House. We took about 2 weeks off from "normal life." 2 weeks ago strep throat took out 2 of our best - Daddy & Bay, then as they started to come alive again - the stomach bug took Mommy back to the hospital (this time only a few hours for fluids & pain meds). So the next day as Mommy recovered Bay was sick again. Then when we were all better last Saturday we got to babysit my sweet nieces, Ruby & Baby Maggie. We fit in a quick trip with Poppy to a rabbit farm. (Those poor rabbits.) Sunday AM as we were all well & about to go to church we got the sad news that my sweet Gram had passed away with heart problems. We were all sad & staerted to prep for a trip to TN. We always love staying at Mamaw & Papaw's house, however, we wish they were under better circumstances. I could not have made it through this sad time without my hubby & sweet Mamaw (Shults) - they were there to help in anyw...

Saturday Prayers

Sweet Friends & Family, I would like to ask for prayers for the family of little Layla Grace who has recently passed away after a battle with cancer. They are having a "celebration of life" service for her on Saturday & I would like to ask y'all to remember them in your prayers as they say another good-bye to their little girl & sister. Thank you for your hidden ministry to this family. Jocelyn

Sad Southern Mommy

Can you see this messy playroom? This is after a night of having a campout for Bay & Cinco & now the boys are using it as a monster truck rally location. Oh well, we can clean it later or shut the door later. Now for the real reason to post: Do you see those sweet little outfits? They are too little for my babies. It breaks a Southern Mommy's heart when her babies are to big for "bubbles." Sad day =(

Quick Blessing

We have had a lazy at home day because Bay has been recovering from what seems to be the fever virus. So this afternoon as Whitty & I were watching some TV he said Mommy go get shoes & go on walk. So Whitty & I held hands & went on a walk around the block & I was so blessed to have this one-on-one time with my baby. Picture is a sweet summer memory. More on another day with more time, Jocelyn Psalm 46:10

This is how it goes

The picture on the left with my 3 sweeties on the stairs was one of my smartest mommy moves yet. Let me explain . . . as a mom of 3 talkative kiddos I hear many pleas of injustice (aka tattling) they all seem to be something of the utm most importance so after many quiet moments while they were playing upstairs I heard it ending, I heard small tears (those that you know are purely for show) & then I heard the sibling to blame for those tears begging for him not to come tell me what happen. So as they all came down the stairs I asked them to stop so I could take a picture. Notice in the picture there are NO tears & everyone is smiling. This happened in a matter of seconds - amazing. So I am not sure what happen, but it was forgotten & no one tattled or got in trouble or passed blame. They were friends. So whatever this unknown incident was it is taken care of & I did not have to get mad at anyone. (At least it is taken care of until it comes up in therapy 25 year...


I just came across a blog through my love of "mommy blogs" & have been crying & praying for a stranger for the last 5 minutes. Pray for this sweet family & lift them up for strength, love & comfort. God is bigger than cancer & any pain. Thank you God for your answer to all our prayers. His Child, Jocelyn