The day started out with the excitement of the snow.
School would be out at 11:30 AM!
I started the morning cleaning because:
1. I have been reading a new book & have not cleaned in 2 days &
2. there was a small possibility of a VBS meeting at my house this morning.
The boys built my friend Julie a beauitful Lego decoration for her to admire on the dining room table while we met about VBS. Of course, we soon found Whitt under the dining room table taking apart the decor. With school getting out early we decided not to meet & the boys & I bundled up & went on a hot cocoa run!
We were the FIRST IN CARPOOL today!
The boys have always wanted to do that.
We picked sissy up & hurried home to find that 2 or 3 flakes had not melted. The boys ate a hurried lunch & then they bundled up to find ice in what was a sandbox. They "skated" for a few minutes then we came inside, unbundled & had hot cocoa in front of a fire.
Now, the boys are resting & Bay & I are about to attmpt a craft.
Snow still falling, snow still melting. . .More later, Jocelyn (back to the book)
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