Just a few little thoughts as you will soon turn 18 . . .
*(started May 31, 2021)
God is sovereign!
God is good all the time - even when we do not understand.
I will always love you ~ forever & ever!
You are my favorite daughter!
VOTE! Vote wisely!
THINK! Think before you speak or post or tweet or text.
Apologize & forgive - everyone makes mistakes.
Give Grace ~ especially to those that make it hard.
Big things are happening over the next few years , but don't forget the small things.
Taylor Swift "the Best Day"
Thomas Rhett!!
Be a role model & make wise choices ~ how many times have I said this?
Keep talking!
Family is everything!
"Okay Lewis & Clark. . . ."
Chick-Fil-A ~ enough said
"Never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst. You are a pink starburst."
Always walk in the front door like you live here.
~ Be a pineapple~
"In all things give thanks."
"The fact that our heart yearns for something Earth cannot supply is proof that Heaven is our home." CS Lewis
*(June 11, 2021)
"Life is a series of a thousand tiny miracles. Notice them."
"Potatoes make french fries, chips & vodka. It's like the other vegetables aren't even trying"
"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." ~ John Muir
You are brave & strong! You are confident & beautiful!
Imagination Mountain!!
Cousin Crew for LIFE!
It's okay to be "indoorsy."
*(July 5, 2021)
How to Parallel Park: 1. Park somewhere else.
Decorate for the 4th of July.
Sagewood Gang ROCKS!
Remember you manners ~ "Yes ma'am & no ma'am"
Be proud to be from the SOUTH!
The people that will be with you the longest, the ones you will have to get out of jail & the ones who will always watch out for you - yep, those 3 are your brothers - love them well.
Read: C.S. Lewis, Anne Frank, Corrie Ten Boom, Sally Lloyd-Jones, Shel Silverstein
*(July 17, 2021)
Target will tell you what you need.
Be real.
Learn to cook better than me ~ for real.
"We aren't called to be like other Christians, we are called to be like CHRIST."
Don't lean too far over the edge - you know that scares me. But, with that being said ~ always be BRAVE!
Don't just take a trip ~ take an adventure!
"In the morning when I rise give me JESUS"
If you see me running it means someone is chasing me! "Only the wicked run . . ."
*(July 23, 2021)
Sweet Bay,
In a few days you will be 18! You will technically be an adult! You are about to be a Senior in high school & soon go to college & do "adult-ish" things ~ CRAZY!
I want you to know I am so proud of you! I am proud of who you are & who you want to be & will be. I am so proud to be your mom & you will always be one of life's greatest adventures. I love you with my whole heart. I will always want to be a part of your journey & am looking forward to the adventures to come, I cannot wait to see the amazing things God has in store for you.
You are a true gift & I thank God for you everyday.
*(July 24, 2021)
The Bible tells us that "in this world we will have troubles," but guess what ???? HE IS GREATER THAN ANYTHING!! HE has overcome the world! No matter what you face know that He is in you & He is sovereign. He loves you with an everlasting love that surpasses all. It sounds like a commercial to say something as simple, as "have faith," but that is the truth . . .
when it is hard ~ HAVE FAITH!
when it is easy & smiley ~ HAVE FAITH!
when you are unsure ~ HAVE FAITH!
when you are super confident ~ HAVE FAITH!
" . . . The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
the plans of his heart to all generations.
12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!" Psalm 33:11 & 12
Keep God first. Delight in Him & "He will direct your paths." Seek Him, have faith & tell the world of "His praiseworthy deeds."
I am sure there is a list floating around about all the things you should know by the time you are 18, and I am sure I have messed up that list; but I pray I have taught you some of the things of the Lord.
My sweet Bay~girl, I hope you know these things in your heart.
Love, Mom
" The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance[a] upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26
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