Well, not sure where to even begin . . . I was not planning on being at home for 6+ weeks straight. No carpool, soccer, choir concerts.
No school, church or outside responsibilities.
No grocery stores, or any stores for that matter.
No extra people in our house.
No grandparent hugs or cousin time.
No knowing what day it is????
How did this all happen? How did we get here?
What did we do????
Well, one day my grandkids will ask me questions for a school project & ask about these crazy times, so here we go . . . .
We did NOTHING! Okay, so everyone had to do school at home, but 99.99999% of that was on the computer & the older kiddos were managing a lot of that on their own. Lee-Lee & I were usually done with his work by 10 AM. They participate in Google Meets/Hangouts. ZOOM calls are a new thing.
. . . . continued . . . ."ZOOM Fatigue" is a real thing . . . .
We were home for 3 months before we ran to the beach for 2 days & then to the mountains for 6 days.
We did not go anywhere except our sweet neighborhood.
Marty went to the office, but the rest of us STAYED HOME!
There was a lot of time in the creek.
There was a lot of eating on the back porch.
There was a lot of time watching TV (WE LOVE NETFLIX!)
There was a puppy adopted ~ Charli Mae Martin!
There were a lot of books read.
I did do a Bible Study with the kiddos when they finished school work each day.
There was a lot of missing of our people!
We had some sweet cousin time in the mountains that is always good for our souls.
.. . . .continued . . . .
We are now going to church, at limited capacity & socially distanced, with masks on.
WFM5 tried out for soccer AND made the team he wanted!!!
We went to Target, but only for minimal items & it was not a "normal" Target run.
We are renovating part of our basement.
AND, rumor has it, we will start school next month ??? What it will look like remains to be seen.
We are still in our neighborhood 99% of the time since March 13th.
. . . . . continued . . . . . .
Well, school delayed a few days & not all of them will go everyday, they are staggering in-person days to keep numbers down.
WFM5 is playing some soccer, but less than normal.
Whitty went to visit a friend.
Baylor is babysitting more. We are grateful for that since both of her jobs were cancelled due to COVID-19.
Lee-Lee rides his bike ALL the time!
We swapped cousins for a few days & sent the big kids to the farm & fun little boys stayed here.
20 years married! No big trip - we wore our masks to a small restaurant & sat away from other people. Not how we expected to spend the anniversary, but always the second best decision I ever made.
What will the next 2 - 3 months look like???
Will there be football & soccer tournaments?
We are still in our neighborhood 99% of the time. It's a good thing we love our neighborhood!
I think I will wrap this post up & update more after school has been in session for a few weeks - that will be a true test . . . . . Jocelyn 8/1/2020
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