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Showing posts from November, 2017

My Bubble . . .

March  . . . .It has become a joke, but we have a perfect little bubble for our little family.  Someone said one time, "you live in an old-fashioned neighborhood."  I truly do - kids play all over the place, we yell out the door at dinner time to come inside, there is always a pick-up game going on. We sit on front stoops & tell the truths of our life.  We cheer each other on. We do life - real life - together. This is such a blessing to my children. I have started praying that they have the same thing in their lives when they are parenting. October . . . .I could not remembered the last time that I blogged. I could not remember the last time I sat down & wrote my heart & their story.  I know blogging is going out-of-style, but for me this is the baby books that I could not handle.  They need to know the moments that meant something to me & our stories are a big part of their adventures. We have gotten our hair cut for the crazi...