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Showing posts from 2017

Into 2018!

What is 2018 going to hold for our crew?  Well . . . we are about to find out! Some of our favorite things will continue . . . SPORTS! SCHOOL! (most days) NEIGHBORS! (running from house to house) AU Football! WAR EAGLE! BIBLE STUDY! And we will have some big changes . . .  HIGH SCHOOL! KINDERGARTEN! A NEW DRIVER! (well, learner's permit) TRY OUTS! (for school teams, bigger teams) But, whatever this year holds the Martins will do it all together, as a family, as a team. We pray your family has a year of first & favorites.   A year that you will look back on & know you did right & true. "Finally, brothers,  whatever   is  true,  whatever   is  honorable,  whatever   is  just,  whatever   is   pure ,  whatever   is  lovely,  whatever   is  commendable,  if there  is  any excellence, if there  is  an...

Merry Christmas Letter 2017!

"looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,  who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,  despising  the shame, and  is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 Merry Christmas!  We pray this little letter finds you with family celebrating the gift of Jesus. Our little family is looking forward to tonight, tomorrow, & all next week celebrating with our BIG  family.  We are looking forward to Christmas services, presents, meals & COUSIN-TIME!  We are looking forward to time together.  This year has been CRAZY! CRAZY FUN! We have 2 in middle school, 1 in elementary & 1 in pre-school!  We cannot believe that next year one starts high school & another starts kindergarten!! (Although he says he may skip straight onto middle school & I am about to agree to that idea.)  We of course have played A LOT of soccer & done A LOT of twirling & have ...

My Bubble . . .

March  . . . .It has become a joke, but we have a perfect little bubble for our little family.  Someone said one time, "you live in an old-fashioned neighborhood."  I truly do - kids play all over the place, we yell out the door at dinner time to come inside, there is always a pick-up game going on. We sit on front stoops & tell the truths of our life.  We cheer each other on. We do life - real life - together. This is such a blessing to my children. I have started praying that they have the same thing in their lives when they are parenting. October . . . .I could not remembered the last time that I blogged. I could not remember the last time I sat down & wrote my heart & their story.  I know blogging is going out-of-style, but for me this is the baby books that I could not handle.  They need to know the moments that meant something to me & our stories are a big part of their adventures. We have gotten our hair cut for the crazi...

Book Thoughts

Books! I love to read, but I have to be honest - I have not read a lot of "parenting books."  They seem to be very overwhelming & when you have so many great parents around you, well . . . I have recently been introduced to a Bible study series called "She Reads Truth."  This group puts out some great online/book Bible studies that are true to Scripture.  They are geared to get women focusing back on Scripture & not on what the world says of Scripture.  Why are so many people looking for truth & help in places that offer whatever they feel like offering?  These Bible studies have renewed my love of God's Word, of His truth.  The creators wrote a book (above) with the same name.  When I heard about the book I thought it would tell their stories & I was curious, BUT the book did so much more.  The book talked of finding permanent in an ever-changing world.  I think I look for permanent & everything is always changing. ...

Cinco is 11!

It's true - our Cinco is turning 11! Our first boy is growing up much too fast (do I say that in every birthday post?) & this Momma is ready for him to STOP!  I love this age - he is still innocent & funny, but carries on great conversations & thinks of others. So far nothing "tween" is showing up.   We are ALL boy. He got his first gun at Christmas (be-be)  & I will have to take him shopping today to get him some new clothes because he has hit a growth spurt. Cinco, Can you always be this fun? Can you always be this cool? Can you always love your momma this much & not be afraid for anyone to know it? Thank you for being a great big brother.  Thank you for doing well in school & being an example in class. I pray your dreams come true & I know they will when you work at them so hard. To another great year! Love, Mommy

Welcome 2017!

Welcome 2017! Welcome to our home & family! Welcome to our new adventures! We are so excited to meet you & see what you have in store. We are ready for more twirling, soccer, football, music & imaginary friends. We are excited for good grades & playdates. We are ready for riding & running through the neighborhood. What will you teach us this year? What will you hold for our hearts? We know there will be good & bad, happy & sad, but may they all come gently & truthfully? We know there will be grace, but may there be extra helpings. We know there will be lots of Love, but may it grow in abundance. "What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2017? Bay: Being in the leadership class - 8th grade! WFM5: Going to middle school! Whitty: Going to a new school by himself Baby Lee-Lee: Playing with Kazoo (pet hamster) "We have seen His glory,  the glory of the one and only Son,  who came from the Father,...