I may work on this post for a few days (hence, the name) but at this time of the year with kids - there is a lot to process. New schools, new friends, new teachers, new experiences, new babies, new coaches, new EVERYTHING! I prayed this Summer for a special teacher & my 3rd child will find out tomorrow that he got that special teacher! I prayed for confidence as we start MIDDLE SCHOOL & she is ready to go in a few days. As I registered everyone for school I did not volunteer for quite as many things as I hope to also keep learning how to balance all the plates. We are waiting on my sister to have another baby & that brings a lot to any momma's heart as you see other people enter that stage - it makes you think about the stages you are in even more. The stages in their lives happen so FAST! How do I have one going to 6th grade in a few days??? How is she old enough for a locker & changing classes? Earrings & lip gloss? Really? ...