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Showing posts from February, 2015

2014 was??? (started in January)

What was 2014 to me? It started out super easy & I thought it would stay that way.  Nothing I couldn't handle. I watched my 3rd leave the sweet little day school my children stay in through Kindergarten & then I prayed all Summer as  I worried about him at  a bigger school. I watched a friend move, but not too far, but it changed the way I worked on church stuff. Nothing was bad - just different.  CHANGES I can handle changes pretty well if I know they are coming. I knew Whitty would go to the next school (and I LOVE that school), but Whitty is my quiet one who likes smaller groups & less busyness.  How would he adjust? This consumed my prayers all Summer - he did AWESOME!  3 kids in "all day" school.  It hit me hard - what would I have done if God hadn't surprised us with Lee-Lee? To the outside world the changes seemed everyday & normal, but to me I had to do some adjusting.  My work in the small ministry changed, my days...

You Hurt When They Hurt

When you are in a family & one person is laughing then more people start to laugh. Well, the same goes with hurting - when one is hurting we all hurt. Well, when you are the mom & one of your little ones is hurting then you HURT, HURT. My sweet boy has had random stomach pains for about 2 years.  There is no pattern (we have tried to find one), there is no sign of them coming (we have tried to find one), there has not been an answer, but this momma ain't stopping until she finds one. He & I were at the specialist the other day for 2+ hours & have started all over again to find some answers. We found some answers.  They were answers that did not involve surgery & scary words.  We will fix him slowly. I thought about other mommas in some of these scary moments & how awful it must be to have a really sick child.  My child was not on death's bed, but there were mommas around me whose babies were. The fears were real for me & I...

My Life Right Now

My life right now is hectic & fun & true & tiring & this is the only time I will get to live it. You see, they grow up & they talk back & they make friends that are cooler than me. I am told there will be a day when they go off to college & I don't see their faces everyday. I am told that one day I may not hear their voices everyday. I am told that one day the house may be quiet & clean. I am told that I will look back on these moments & smile. I thought one morning that there will be a time when I do not wake them up & my voice is not the first one they hear & the last one they hear at night.  Who will remind them to pray for  . . . ? I saw a picture of a momma holding her new baby, her first baby, & thought what a beautiful moment.  I have had 4 of those moments of my own & love watching my sisters moments.  You look at the little thing & you know that you would die for that baby.  You would give a...