This was Aug 19 the first day for Bay & WFM5.
4th & 2nd Grade!
They were perfect & brave & had a great first day.
I only cried a little. Okay maybe 10 minutes.
WFM5 one day will laugh at insisting he button his top button- I think I may have convinced him to fix it before school.
Whitty just had to get in a picture.
Bay walked in to school all by herself. WE still walked WFM5 in & will for another year.
I will eventually figure out carpool & by the time Littlest Baby graduates in 19 years, I may write a book on the secrets of an efficient carpool for other new mommas. We are at 2 school for these 2 this year & that has thrown me for a loop.
Someone asked me what I do while I wait in carpool???
1. I talk to Whitty & he has an active imagination.
2. I keep a mommy devotional book in the car & it walks you through different verses to pray over your children.
3. I call my momma & ask how she did this for so long . . .
Part 2 will come when Whitty starts.
I cannot believe I have a 2nd grader & a 4th grader - CRAZY!They were champs - a little nervous, but you would have never know.
Bay was super brave & walked right in to a new school - I LOST IT in the carpool line. In 4th grade no one really walks the kids into this school, so we dropped her off in carpool in order to not cause her unseen amounts of embarrassment.
I think each year I appreciate this late start more & more.
This was a hard Summer. I had not truly adjusted to 4 because the baby slept all the time & the kiddos were in school all day - it was an adjustment. We were busy for awhile & then everything stopped & yet we did not do what we said we were going to do - it was much easier to be lazy. The baby still takes 3 naps some days, but that involves being at home & keeping kids semi-quiet. I think we need a do-over Summer.
I am proud of my smart kiddos & know they will do well this year. I have prayed God's grace to go in front of them & for HIM to provide them with the perfect friends for them.
More later, Mommy
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