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Showing posts from September, 2013

Pick Your Battles

This could be my mantra - if I were together enough to have a mantra.  I want my kids & house & hubby to be perfect.  I really do want to vacuum my car & my stairs & I would love it if I came home one day & didn't stop working until the basement was clean.  BUT . . . I pick my battles. Sometimes (as in most days) Whitty wears cowboy boots to school.  I saw a blog where a little girl was so excited that it was cowboy day & she was allowed to wear her cowboy boots to school.  If the cowboy boots make Kindergarten more fun - then let's go with it.  He is so stinkin' cute in those boots. The princess picks her own clothes & does her own hair & thinks she is beautiful. She is always beautiful, but has a unique sense of style, but her confidence is sky-rocketing.  WFM5 well he does beat all with tucking in his t-shirts to his athletic shorts. They each walk out the door happy & with an "I love you." So I pick my battles...

These Days

I had a chuckle this evening when Littlest Baby almost pitched a little fit (ALMOST) . . . He thought about getting mad at Mommy because he wanted to eat a game piece & I wouldn't let him.  BUT - then he remembered that he does not pitch fits - sweetness!  Although I think it may be coming soon.  I know that no one is perfect, but maybe he could be a little longer =) Baby Whitty started 5K a few weeks ago & I will get pics uploaded as soon as I get them Bay & Whitty started soccer & they both love it & I am excited they are getting energy out on the field/ More later ~ Tired Mommy

First Day, Part 1

This was Aug 19 the first day for Bay & WFM5. 4th & 2nd Grade! They were perfect & brave & had a great first day. I only cried a little. Okay maybe 10 minutes. WFM5 one day will laugh at insisting he button his top button- I think I may have convinced him to fix it before school. Whitty just had to get in a picture. Bay walked in to school all by herself.  WE still walked WFM5 in & will for another year. I will eventually figure out carpool & by the time Littlest Baby graduates in 19 years, I may write a book on the secrets of an efficient carpool for other new mommas.  We are at 2 school for these 2 this year & that has thrown me for a loop. Someone asked me what I do while I wait in carpool???  1. I talk to Whitty & he has an active imagination. 2. I keep a mommy devotional book in the car & it walks you through different verses to pray over your children. 3. I call my momma & ask how she did this...