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Showing posts from January, 2013

1 Month Today

My sweetest littlest one is 1 month old today - almost exactly right now.  He has been my easiest baby by far & everyone has adjusted so well.  He has his 1 month appt later this week so we will see how big he is, but I know he is 9+ pounds easy.  He eats 3 - 4 oz every 3 hours & sleeps most of the time in between, except for a little bit in the AM.  If you catch us in the car, do NOT make us stop because he will SCREAM & if you hear I am changing a diaper COVER YOUR EARS - those are the only times he cries. I realized I did not record his birth story so here it goes . . . (more for my sake) We were induced the morning of December 6th.  We were sure he would come earlier, but I had just stopped progressing so wonderful Dr. Adcock gave me some relief.  I could not breathe the last few weeks because he was so high, but to everyone else that seemed to be a minor detail - it was hell for me (pardon my French.)  So, on the morning of December ...

I Love . . .

I love my sweet hubby & kiddos & my family AND . . . DUCK DYNASTY! Quote: "What is the world coming to when you cannot fix or replace a Samurai sword at a pawn shop." ~Uncle Si (this was for Cousin Lisa)

7 Years Ago . . .I had a BOY!

Our biggest boy is turning 7 TODAY! I am so excited for him! He is being great today as Mommy cannot do as much as I normally do on birthdays & we are still deciding what to do for his party.  He is precious & understanding - as always. Cinco, you are a true joy!  You are a perfect fit for our family & help to balance us out with your easy-going ways.  You are a great role model to the littler boys & a perfect friend to sister. Daddy & I are proud of your hard-working studies & athletics.  We are proud of you on & off the field.  We know God will use you to do great & mighty things for His Kingdom. Thank you for who you are & teaching me some really cool Star Wars stuff. Love, Mommy