"to the journey. . ." I have heard that used at a wedding & I believe my daddy said it at one of our weddings. (We have those a lot in our family) Our lives are a journey & to all those who are on this journey with me I say, "Thank you." I am having a blast with all of you. I have some friends with new parts of their journey just beginning . . . A friend with a new business - WOW! - I wish y'all could have a front row seat to see God blessing her creativity so that she may use this "business" as a ministry to bless her family. Another friend (or 2, or more) who have new babies - this is one of the most beautiful journeys of all. Motherhood is a beautiful journey. My sister is having a little girl this summer. I will enjoy watching her on the mother-daughter journey. I know this is sappy, but I am watching a sappy movie & was at a wedding today so that makes everything extra sappy. . . . on a different note . . . My sweet grandmother is sick & has been for a little bit so I covet your prayers for her. My mamaw has been one of the people that makes the journey sweeter. My journey has been crazy & had some sharp turns, but for the most part has been sweet. God has a beautiful plan for my journey & I am glad He has the plan & put you in it & me in yours. So . . ."to the journey" (to quote one of my mostest favoritest people)
So many things have happened . . . So many things good things & so many hard things. So many things that we cannot explain & things we saw coming years ago. So many people & so many places. This momma's heart has had to learn to watch them fly & soar. I keep thinking back to what my Daddy said at our wedding " . . . you give your children roots & wings." It is hard to give them roots that run deep & how you instill true values in them. It is also hard to watch them open their wings ready to soar. They are soaring! They are learning SOOO much & watching these adventures is a true gift. I know one day I will look back as this being a great joy of my life. I am experiencing hurt but it is amidst such beauty & growth. My baby girl has started to fly & she is flying strong. As soon as she started off on her journey she hit a few unexpected bumps & she took a minute, re-grouped & then just kept on going. She was strong & brave. S...
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