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Showing posts from April, 2011

We are ALL safe!

All these cute kiddos & grandparents are safe. Moppy & Poppy are missing a living room thanks to a tree that in Whitty's words, "cannot show kindness," but everyone is fine. Thank you for your prayers. We may be without power for a few days, but thankfully SuperDaddy found a generator so we saved our fridge. Please pray for Moppy & Poppy as now they are 1 house amongst thousands that will start the fun insurance process.

Happy Easter!

I know I owe an update, BUT all my pics are on hubby's camera. So he said I could have it tomorrow for 1. to print out the pics & 2. to show you. My sweet hubby took me on a get-away to New Orleans & that deserves a post in itself because I NEVER leave my kiddos for very long & it took A LOT of heart work. BUT I LOVED the get-away & we had a BLAST! (more with pics) WFM5 had a program - he did SUPER AWESOME GREAT! So now to Easter . . . what a day. I believe I have said this before, but sometimes the day gets too busy & you cannot truly appreciate it. Next year I WILL take more time to reflect on the meaning. HE died so that I may have life. HE sent His Son to the cross for MY sins. This should & is life-changing. I know all these thoughts should change us everyday, BUT do they? These thoughts need to change me more on a daily basis. Happy Resurrection Day ~Jocelyn

Picture Update

Starting at the top: WFM5 & a good little buddy who we were babysitting while his little sis was being born! WFM5 & Baby re-enacting little eaglets hatching. Cute V-Day gifts Owl pillows - some of our favorites made by a sweet friend. COUSINS! - too much fun! Big Machine Day at a local museum= BOY TIME! Thanks for loving these! ~Jocelyn


I forgot the BIG NEWS . . . WFM5 had a goal on Tuesday night. Not just any goal, but the winning goal!! He was super proud of himself & I was proud of him. I love when they make a goal! It always is a high to see your kids reach their goals. Way to go Cinco & I hope you enjoy all the goals you make! ~Mommy

"To the journey"

"to the journey. . ." I have heard that used at a wedding & I believe my daddy said it at one of our weddings. (We have those a lot in our family) Our lives are a journey & to all those who are on this journey with me I say, "Thank you." I am having a blast with all of you. I have some friends with new parts of their journey just beginning . . . A friend with a new business - WOW! - I wish y'all could have a front row seat to see God blessing her creativity so that she may use this "business" as a ministry to bless her family. Another friend (or 2, or more) who have new babies - this is one of the most beautiful journeys of all. Motherhood is a beautiful journey. My sister is having a little girl this summer. I will enjoy watching her on the mother-daughter journey. I know this is sappy, but I am watching a sappy movie & was at a wedding today so that makes everything extra sappy. . . . on a different note . . . My sweet grandmother is sick...