I am not a fan of Halloween.

I do not understand spending all kinds of meny to celebrate a holiday that started out as something evil. BUT, the kids do love them some trick-or-treating.
Thursday morning we had Whitty's friends over for a party.
Thurday night we had Bay's school carnival.
Friday, the boys school had a fall festival.
Then after that we helped with Bay's class party.
These events while babysitting some pretty cute nieces AND with my mommy out-of-town.
Then Daddy got a ticket to the game on Saturday so Mommy got to do trick-or-treating by herself. Listen, if I was offered a ticket to the game I would have left also.
Now let me say that I am spoiled. I am used to having my mom & dad to call when anything is needed. They have left my sisters & I to fend for ourselves for 10 days.
Seriously, we cannot wait for them to come home.
So the baby is 3, the crib has come down & I am doing fine in the emotions department.
I will give the final soccer stats after WFM5's last game tomorrow night.
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