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Showing posts from November, 2010

Well, since everyone else is blogging about it . . .

WAR EAGLE! Since everyone else in blogging world is talking about the big game then I guess I will too. WE WON! We took the game back in the 2nd half. The kids & I stood by our boys the entire game. Did you know I got to watch the game with Bo Jackson? Yep, Baby insisted on being called Bo Jackson all day. Who knew I would ever say "Bo Jackson it is time to change your diaper." My sweet father-in-law took my husband off my hands for the day & took him to the game so I could watch without all his chit-chat =) We learned some lessons that day my kiddos & me: 1. do not ask Mommy what Coach Saban is saying on the sidelines b/c she will have to lie 2. if a player gets hurt (even from the other team) you always pray I love my AU team & will be watching on Saturday as they take care of the Gamecocks. ~Jocelyn

We are full!

We are full of yummy food & yummy time with cousins & family! Happy Thanksgiving from the Martins!

I am thankful . . .

I guess I could keep it simple. I am simply very thankful. However, it wouldn't be like me to keep it that simple. I am thankful for my hubby - he loves so unconditionally. I am thankful for my girl - she is growing up & wants to do what is right. I am thankful for W1 - he is funny & loyal. I am thankful for W2 - he loves to hold his mommy's hand & give tight hugs. I am thankful for the way I was raised & strive to not disappoint. As I watched a little TV today I saw on the news (shhh - don't think I am lazy, but I try to catch every now & than) Anyway, I saw 2 things on the news that made me cry 1. A man had been out of a job for a year - I cried because I was grateful that we had not gone through that. 2. I saw a baby that had been in the hospital his first few months of life & gets to go home for Thanksgiving - he may or may not live, but his parents are grateful for everyday. I am thankful that my children have never been that sick. I am than...

The Card aisle at the Grocery Store

This is the card Bay picked out with Marty last night when they were in the grocery store. He took all 3 kiddos to the grocery to the grocery store while I was not feeling so great & they cut through the card aisle on their way to get somehing else. She stopped mid-aisle & said "Daddy, this card is great to get & says HOT SEX NOW." Marty said he told her to put it down & keep walking. Of course she has no idea what it means - she just loves to read all the time. Marty took the picture with his phone so I could appreciate his trip with all 3 kiddos. Thanks SuperDaddy! ~Jocelyn

My Thoughts on My Tigers

Okay, since I live in SEC country & am married to Marty Martin I think that makes me a perfect person to weigh in on the AU Tigers. First, let me just tell you that I LOVE AUBURN! I love that my boy is waiting for the phone to ring & Coach Chizik tells him which room is his in the athletic dorm & which number he will be. I love that they play Bo JAckson vs. Cam Newton when they play football. I love it that they play football wherever they go (doesn't everyone say "Hut, hut 54, 28 36!" in the line at Publix??) Secondly, as much as I love Cam Newton, if Cam Newton did something he shouldn't have then he needs to be punished. Thirdly, if his dad did something he shouldn't have done then he needs to pay his dues. I feel sorry for Cam (yes, sure we are on a first name basis) I have never been disappointed in my dad & I cannot imagine how that must hurt. To put my 2nd & 3rd points together - I am quite behind in the news & will stand with AU...

What is missing??

What is missing in this 2nd picture? If you guessed stroller, diaper bags & wild children then you are right! SuperHubby & I went to the AU v. Ga. game WITHOUT KIDDOS. We had a blast We were young & in LOVE. He surprised me with club level seating & let me tell you I was hot stuff. I had a real salad with hot apple cobbler, brownies, etc. . . It was a beautiful day with a beautiful win. Thanks to my fabulous parents for helping with our kids. I think I will use my blog later tonight to post some opinionated comments about AU football. ~Jocelyn

Soccer Stats

BAY, CHEETAH GIRLS: 5 goals, 6 blocks, 1 broken arm, 1 ball in face WFM5, GREEN LANTERNS: 2 goals, 6 blocks They were both so great! They both cannot wait for the Spring

This Mornings Conversation

I know I am behind in posting - I hope to update tonight, or maybe tomorrow. Sorry. BUT, before I forget I wanted to let you know our breakfast conversation this morning. Picture this - we still have a borrowed kids picnic table in our dining room left over from a party, so the kiddos have been eating breakfast in there each morning. So as I am fixing Sissy's lunch I hear WFM5 singing Bon Jovi's "Living on a Prayer." CUTE!!! Well, Sissy thinks she knows the words better (they only know the chorus) - she trys to correct him, but I overhear & tell her that Bubby had it right. So of course, he has to sing it louder. So this morning we confirmed the words to a rock'n roll classic over breakfast. Who knows what tomorrow morning will hold for my ears to hear. ~Jocelyn

Happy Fall Y'all!

Well, I am not a fan of Halloween. I do not understand spending all kinds of meny to celebrate a holiday that started out as something evil. BUT, the kids do love them some trick-or-treating. Thursday morning we had Whitty's friends over for a party. Thurday night we had Bay's school carnival. Friday, the boys school had a fall festival. Then after that we helped with Bay's class party. These events while babysitting some pretty cute nieces AND with my mommy out-of-town. Then Daddy got a ticket to the game on Saturday so Mommy got to do trick-or-treating by herself. Listen, if I was offered a ticket to the game I would have left also. Now let me say that I am spoiled. I am used to having my mom & dad to call when anything is needed. They have left my sisters & I to fend for ourselves for 10 days. Seriously, we cannot wait for them to come home. So the baby is 3, the crib has come down & I am doing fine in the emotions department. I will give the final soccer s...