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Showing posts from February, 2010

True Love

I just wanted to brag on SuperDaddy. He is awesome! He loves God, me & our 3 sweet rugrats. He is a hard-worker & supports our family so that I might stay home & be with the kiddos. Thanks SuperDaddy for cleaning the dishes that need to be handwashed, b/c you know that is my least favorite thing to do, thank you for taking Bay to school & mostly for letting me be a stay-at-home mommy. I love you!

Baby Sis

Congratulations to my baby sister! Maggie is getting married this summer & we are so excited! She is marrying Daniel that we all know & love & I am so excited for them & this exciting journey. (I may have said excited too many times, but I am.) She is going to be a super, terrific, great, stupendous wife. In other words - much better than me. So yes, we are letting another UA fan into the family, but he loves God & loves Maggie so if he has 1 fault we will over look it (well except for maybe 1 Saturday a year.) Daniel, welcome to the family! My kids are super excited to add you to the "uncle counting," as Bay says. Love, Jocelyn


Pictures of Snow & the Mercedes Kid Marathon Thanks Cousin Nate for the snow clothes!

Brothers & Goals

Last night & this morning I have listened to stories about 2 sets of brothers who have gone on to do wonderful things. Last night while watching the Olympics there were 2 brothers racing in speedskating. Can you imagine the pride there Mommy must have felt - 2 kids to make it into the Olympics. Just think I am still working on getting 2 boys to stop picking noses, much less make it into the Olympics. Secondly, I snuck into church a little late today & they began to introduce the guest preacher & he was an amazing Irish preacher who has traveled the world preaching the Gospel. And guess what?? His brother is a wonderful preacher as well who has a worldwide apologetics ministry. God worked through that Mom in beautiful ways. When she gets to the Heaven I know God will look at her & say "Well done my good and faithful servant." So, yes, I have goals of having a clean house & recruiting 34 VBS teachers in the next 3 months; but in reality I need to focus on lo...

Quick Story

A quick story before I forget to write it down: We have been home today (except for a quick trip to the grocery store - not fun) & I have been a cleaning machine! So I was taking some toys to William's room I overheard part of a conversation between the boys: WFM5: "Whitt I am going to need a hooker . . ." That is all I heard before I started laughing & left the room as soon as possible. These are a few words that a Mommy NEVER wants to hear from her children. Thanks for laughing with me, Jocelyn P.S. To clarify I realized he wanted to hook (i.e. attach) something to the see-saw =)

Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all our sweet family & friends! We are so blessed to be so loved & cared for. We are staying low-key today: watching the Olympics, playing upstairs, Mommy & Daddy taking turns with naps (because the kiddos got to skip naps for VDay) & Mommy enjoyed being back at church today. Thank you for your prayers- I am feeling much better & know that is b/c of all of the prayers that were lifted up to the Great Healer on my behalf. I will post snow pics after tomorrow, because it looks like we may get more snow tonight! His Child, Jocelyn

Busy, busy . . .time to slow down!

Okay, so we were in the car, or at the church, just about everyday last week. We have a wonderful church that has a fabulous missions conference & where else would you want your kids to be? It is great to see their eyes get excited & treat missionaries as if they were Hollywood celebrities. Anyway we were busy & then we had ballet, school, homework & playdates on top of Missions so what does a Mommy do after a week like that? Why go to the hospital of course=) I got the stomach bug on Friday night that has been taking out households around Bham for a few weeks now - OH no I always have to overdo things. I end up in the ER with MY mommy out of town. After being in the ER for a few hours I think they are going to send me home & tell me to get rest, NOPE I get to stay for 2 nights. Now I know you other mommies are thinking "2 days of bed rest!" It was not fun. They took all my blood & then filled me with fluids. I have IV bruises in my left arm ...