Th New Cousin that is smaller than Lee-Lee Marathon runners! Good Citizenship Award! We babysit for FREE! WFM5 is trying out some meds to calm his intestines - so far they are helping the stomach pains. Evidently he needed to de-pressurize his intestines - who knew?? Baylor has won awards! Whitt tried the Kids Marathon & loved it. I mentioned in the last post that I worked at the church - let me clarify. I do some projects a few hours a week for our sweet children's ministry, sometimes at home, sometimes at the church. I love being involved in ministry for selfish reasons - it is a learning time for my heart. My mom is doing so good . We are done with chemo & is trying a new medicine for a little bit. She is a trooper! Thank you for your sweet friendships ~
A quick look into my crazy blessings.