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Showing posts from October, 2013

My Sweet Six Year Old

 Whitty is a true blessing.  He is coming into his own & realizing he does not have to be shy.  He is funny & imaginative.  He surprises me daily. Whitty, Happy Birthday!  (a little late) You are a joy to parent & fun to watch everyday.  You are keeping me on my toes with your cute dance moves & little remarks.  Thank you for being my sweet friend. I love you ~ Mommy

What I Want for my Kiddos: Fun & Serious

There are a few things I want for you 4 goobers. I want the 4 of you to grow up knowing how loved you are.  More importantly I want you to know God is sovereign ALL THE TIME!  He is TRUE & real & everything you need. Micah 6:8 And what does the  Lord  require of you? To act justly  and to love mercy      and to walk humbly [ a ]  with your God. Live these words! I want you to have a full childhood - chase bugs & climb in creeks, get dirty & dance often. I want you to have dreams & follow them. I want you to love each other always.  I know you may not like each other everyday, but I always tell you to "protect & encourage."  I mean those words =) I want you to all find love. Princess, you are a girlie-girl who can stick it to 'em on the soccer field - AWESOME!  DO not be afraid to show the boys up.  But, I also want you to love Chanel & Vera & appreciate pretty thing...