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Showing posts from October, 2012


WHITTY is 5!! That is right - my sweetie has turned 5 & I am going to take my time getting used to the idea. He is so precious.  The other night we were praying & he said that he loved this baby so much he could eat him up =)  Obviously a little Southern metaphor thrown in. He is my shy one. He has the most Southern accent of the oldest 3. He is truly in love with his momma & may live at home forever, but I will take that anyday. They grow up so fast that i have to remind myself to cherish even the smallest of moments. Bay & WFM5 are gaining a lot of independence so I am not pushing anyone else out of the nest at any fast speed.  People told me that with the third I would start to move him along a little faster, but I find the opposite to be true. Whitty, Daddy & I treasure your sweet spirit & imagination.  We love that you love being close by & pray that God shows us in HIS timing when to move on with more independence....