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Showing posts from January, 2011

Our Moppy

I realized I do not have a pic of our Moppy, except some small family pic that you can hardly see her in - it does not do her justice. Moppy is having a birthday tomorrow - I will not hand out the age, but all birthdays are EXCITING! I am having trouble writing this post to tell you about my mom, but I cannot begin to tell you her importance in my life. I cannot put into words who she is to me & my family. Moppy, I am sorry not more is written - words are impossible to come by but "thank you," which is never enough. Love, Jocelyn

I Surrender

I have been in the pits of potty-training hell. Sorry if I am using profanity, but there is no other way to describe it. I realized this morning that I have a stressed out 3 year old & that I was being mommy-trained, HE was not being potty-trained. I saw his personality change when we took the diaper off & forced the potty. I need the baby back not just to be the baby because he loves being 3, but he told me himself he is not ready to go potty llike WFM5. We are going back to normal life & we will try again later. I feel like a failure, BUT this whole family needs normal - at least what is normal to us. ~Jocelyn


Seriously people - my first 2 kids potty trained themselves. Pretty much the truth. Okay in all honesty Bay took MAYBE 2 days & WFM5 just decided to wear underwear. NO accidents. The Baby is deinetely giving me a run for my money. I think the AU Tigers won last night just to give me something to think about so I can take my mind off the tee-tee on my pants. I will give more later (don't worry not too many details). Time to put someone on the potty ~Jocelyn

The Fifth is 5!

My sweet boy is 5! I cannot believe that 5 years ago he came in to the world so little & now he is a a fireball - although the sweetest fireball. He is the most laidback person I know & definetely in our house. I am not saying he is perfect, but he gets pretty close. He wants everyone to be happy. He wants to be friends with everyone & everyone have fun. He is not quiet, but more quiet than the other 2. He has 2 best friends at school/church, however, he LOVES his siblings. He looks up to Bay & plays for hours a day with Whitty. The boys are the best roomies. They are going to have so much fun growing up together. When people ask me if they are twins I always answer "No, they are just too close." But I wouldn't have it any other way. He cannot wait to play AU football, but until Coach calls he will play superheros here at home. We cannot wait to start soccer again in the Spring. WFM5 I am LOVING being your mom. Your have a true & beautiful heart....

2011 - Here we come!

2010 was great! I know 2011 will be even better - because pretty soon (at least that is the plan) we will be DONE with diapers. What will I do with the extra money? Don't worry I know I will pay for car repairs & ER co-pays. I learned A LOT about me & God during 2010 - He gave me planty of growing experiences - PLENTY as in enough to last me for a few years. We had a great Christmas break & a re getting ready for WFM5's 5th birthday on Monday. We spent 2 days in TN visiting relatives & have spent the last week with our cousins from St. Louis visiting - well, the boys spent more time with them than Bay & I did b/c my princess has been SO SICK. She has recovered & lost a tooth in the process. So we shall survive. We loved all the gifts we received at Christmas and are looking forward to figuring out where we will put them all. You all spoiled the kiddos rotten - thanks, I think. To our cousin Lisa - she is the WINNER - 1 of her gifts had 1200+ pieces ...