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Showing posts from May, 2010

A Complete 180

I think I done a complete 180 in thinking. You see, back in the day when I was a wee one of about 5 or 6 my parents, following the advice of James Dobson, decided not to let us watch "The Smurfs" on TV. So I have not been his biggest fan to say it nicely, I thought maybe he was a little much for me. WELL, today I was excited to receive the newest Dobson book in the mail. I am a fan, "Bringing Up Girls" is just waiting for me to have a few moments to read it & figure it all out. OK in all seriousness it will not give me a complete map a raising a little me, BUT it will give me some darn good insights & helpful hints with God's Word to back it up. We will see how I do. Y'all can bring this up in 20 years when she gets married. ~Jocelyn

What does it say?

I came across someone's blog titled "The Company She Keeps." It turns out it was about a girl, her husband & their group of friends, but when I first saw the title I thought of a mommy & her kiddos as the company she keeps. What does the company I keep say about me? Well, when they dress themselves - I may seem a little "off my rocker." When they tee-tee in front of the tree in carpool line (instead of behind it) - I may seem a little too lax. When they sit on the floor in the grocery store - I may seem gross. When they kiss & hug each other (& won't stop) until they fall over - I may seem a little too happy. BUT, really I am just a mommy who loves the company I keep. When they dance with perfect stage presence at their recital - I seem like the proudest mommy. When they have their last day of school & I cry everytime every year - I seem like a loving mommy. When they wear matching outfits - I seem like a together mommy. SO, I guess if I ...

Poor little pigs & chickies

So . . . yesterday we went to a farm. Not a full running farm, more of a "get-away, great place to have a party farm." So they had tons of people from our church at the farm & they had out little chicks, four-wheelers, fishing, roasted pig & of course a greased pig contest=) Every good party has one, right? Well I am going to show a pic of Bay that I found on a friend of mines blog & that is Bay in the middle trying to catch the pig. It did eventually run through her legs, but she was not the final winner. We will try again another day=) Yes, of course they wanted to take home a "chickie", but this mean mommy was not about to raise a chicken along with 3 rugrats. We stopped to see our JoJo on the way home & then came home ate dinner & went to bed early= GREAT day! We have the boys last day of school on Wednesday, a birthday party & ballet recital on Thursday. I am sure I will have a good post after all of ...


Well . . . confession time . . . I put the kids to bed at 6:15 tonight. It needed to be done. We had a fun day at a farm today, only took about 30 minutes of nap, Whitty has a boo-boo & there's not a clock upstairs for Bay to double-check me. So I am going to get ready for church, maybe take a walk & relax. Good Evening, Jocelyn

First "Field Day"

Bay is growing up too fast, after all she is 6 & 3/4 (don't forget the last part). She had "May Day Play Day" at her school today (kinda' like what we called field day) & I think Mommy had a lot of fun as well, but I am too tired to tell. I tried to teach a group of first graders how to play kickball - don't laugh I really like that game - I think they may have gotten the idea at least that you take turns kicking & going after the ball. I am pretty sure they did NOT get the idea of running the bases & stopping the play. We will try that another day. Although if I got 12 first graders to take turns at least for a few minutes that that could be success. WFM5 is on his first "go home from school playdate" he was so excited he wanted to leave for school in his pj's at 730 this morning. School doesn't start until 9 so he has a while to wait. I am so glad he has sweet friends. Whitty, well he just hangs around with the best of us....

One for the Books

Well this Mother's Day is one for the books. So, I had breakfast while in a cold bubble bath, while the kids ate their breakfast on the bathroom floor. Yes, I am not a fan of bubble baths, I was naked, I really wanted a french toast bagel from Panera & the bathroom was cold b/c they had the door open. It is a much longer story . . .but you get the basic idea. It is the thought that counts & they were very thoughtful=) I had lunch with my in-laws, took a nap that everyone enjoyed interuppting & had dinner at my parents. I then turned into a lazy bum. Needless to say I went this morning to get a frnech toast bagel from Panera. The kids were great! They are the reason I got to celebrate Mother's Day with so much love. My sweet nephew Nate left me a cute Mother's Day message - Thanks Nate the Great! Who could ask for anything more? Love, Jocelyn

Happy Mother's Day Eve

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, actually it is in less than an hour. I am a little worried b/c when I asked SuperDaddy if I could go to Panera on the way to church for a "French Toast" bagel he said that the kids had other plans for me. . . I should be afraid - very afraid. What can 3 kiddos do for breakfast & have me out the door to church by about 730AM? Whatever it is it will be cute - that is a given with my kids! Mother's Day makes me think & be reflective (now you should be afraid - very afraid). I have plenty of wonderful women I can look to for guidance on this path of motherhood - TONS! I mean I grew up with 3 grandmothers & at one point had 3 great-grandmothers alive. My mother-in-law is great! I also have aunts, sweet friends & plenty of people that I can call at the drop of a hat - so I should be able to write everything they say down & raise my kids without a hitch - WRONG . . . every kid/family is differently. They give plenty of w...

A Little Humor for this Mommy

So if you look back a little less than a month ago I wrote about going to the races with the kiddos. Well, I mentioned I may not go back unless absolutely necessary . . .Jump to yesterday when I went through William's school bag & they had made a picture of their favorite thing to do with their Mommy. Well naturally my son said his was going to the racetracks. God has a great sense of humor & uses my kiddos to remind me of that daily. I guess I may be going to the racetracks again one day. I think I will frame it tomorrow so I will remember this funny mommy moment. His Child, Jocelyn